Top 10 Tips to Stop Snoring
Can’t stop snoring? Try these tips to help you and your family members sleep better at night!
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Top 10 Tips on How to Stop Snoring and Improve Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Many people snore occasionally. Does your snoring wake you up? Does your snoring or obstructive sleep apnea disrupt a good night’s sleep for someone else in your household? Snoring is one symptom of sleep apnea—a condition that can lead to illness, including headaches, fatigue, and vehicle accidents. Let’s review the top 10 ways to help you stop snoring.
1) Fotona Nightlase™ Laser Therapy
Fotona NightLase™ Laser Stop Snoring Therapy is one of the most successful treatments to help you stop snoring. Fotona NightLase™ therapy is a simple, non-surgical laser procedure that uses a specific wavelength of laser light to induce a tightening effect of the collagen in your tissues in the back of the throat. The laser shrinks and strengthens collagen in the soft tissues in your throat, opening your airway and allowing it to remain open during the day and while you sleep. Fotona NightLase™ helps reduce snoring and increase the quality of a patient’s sleep.
Many stop snoring aids or sleep interventions like CPAP machines and oral sleep devices only help you when you are using them, whereas Fotona NightLase™ therapy enables you to breathe better all the time.
2) Stop Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Appliances
Dental stop snoring appliances are custom made and should be fitted and made by a specially trained sleep apnea dentist. Mail-order one-size-fits-all stop snoring mouth guards can be very bulky and negatively affect your bite or cause jaw pain.
3) Invisalign® Orthodontics
Invisalign treatment can help treat crowding and widen your smile, thereby increasing the space for the tongue. When your tongue can lay flat in your mouth, it will not fall backwards while you sleep, thereby reducing snoring significantly. Orthodontics can change the positions of your teeth and also change the shape of your smile and mouth—thus significantly opening your airway.
4) Using a CPAP Machine
A CPAP machine is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine which supplies constant air through a breathing mask while you sleep at night. While effective, most people find using a CPAP machine is often uncomfortable, and many patients choose not to wear it, opting for other anti-snoring aids or other obstructive sleep apnea treatments instead.
5) Drop a Few Pounds
One cause of airflow obstruction is an excess of fatty tissues in the throat area. A weight loss plan, ideally coordinated with your doctor, may be able to reduce extra fat throughout your body and throat enough to reduce your snoring.
6) Sleep on Your Side
Some snorers with mild obstructive sleep apnea may only need to roll onto their sides when they begin snoring to get a better night’s rest.
Sleeping on your back sometimes causes your tongue or soft tissues of your throat to fall back and obstruct your airflow. This can make a vibration between your tongue and throat tissues. Sleeping on your side has proved an effective way for many to stop snoring.
7) Change Your Habits
Changing a few habits may help you breathe better at night. These habits include the following:
- Stay hydrated and drink enough water during the day.
- Don’t drink alcohol before bedtime.
- Avoid taking sedatives if you can.
- Stop smoking.
8) Treat Chronic Allergies
If you have allergies, consider using a quality decongestant. Most allergy meds can help decrease mucus in the sinuses, making breathing easier.
9) Consider Surgical Options
Obstructive sleep apnea and airway surgery treatments may be necessary for patients with severe snoring issues to achieve the desired results. A surgeon can sculpt the structure of your sinuses and nasal passages to allow for improved airflow.
10) Get Nasal Strips or a Nasal Dilator
Certain kinds of snoring respond well to a nasal strip, which is placed on the bridge of the nose, which keeps the nasal passages open, increasing airflow through the nose while you sleep. A nasal dilator does a similar job but works on the nostrils directly.
However, if you have central sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea symptoms, the nasal airway may not be involved in the cause of your snoring
Help for Partners and Family Members
Secondhand sleep apnea happens when your partner is woken up consistently during the night because of the loud noises you make while snoring. Though your partner does not have sleep apnea, they are being deprived of a good quality of sleep because of the constant interruption to their sleep.
If your spouse, partner, or family member snores, you may have trouble getting restful sleep yourself. You can try a pink or white noise machine or earplugs to see if you can sleep better. If the noise machine does not help, your partner may need to visit a sleep apnea dentist to find the source of the snoring.
Stop Snoring—Start Sleeping Better!
Dr. Madhuri at Discovery Dental clinic can guide you through the steps for getting a sleep apnea diagnosis and provide you with the best medical advice to reduce or eliminate your snoring and sleep apnea.
Call Discovery Dental to reserve your FREE consultation or click below to contact our team.