There are many different means of preventing gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Incurable in its advanced stages, yet highly treatable, it is better to avoid getting it in the first place. That’s where we come in, and here we’ll cover a few tips and pointers to help keep your gums healthy & strong.
The most essential thing you can do to prevent the onset of periodontal disease is to floss & brush regularly, in that order. Regular flossing removes lodged food and plaque that otherwise would not be removed through brushing, and scrapes off microscopic deposits of bacteria – a primary source of disease. Following this up with brushing scrubs and washes away this material as well as that which is on the outward surfaces of the teeth, and also removes the plaque forming along the gumline. Let’s not take things out of context, however – good dental health really does not occur very often in a vacuum.
That brings us to another level, if you will, of gum disease prevention: dental visits. Annual visits to your local dentist are the chance to identify any problems which may not be noticed through home-based care. Your dentist also has the equipment and tools to thoroughly clean your teeth above and below the gumline, as well as putting on a nice polish. During your visit, the dentist can properly diagnose and determine whether you have the initial stages of gum disease, called gingivitis, and treat it with antibiotics.
These two levels of treatment, when followed, will ensure the best possible prevention of gum disease, although they are by no means a guarantee. Gum disease can also be caused by factors beyond your control, such as genetics or as a complication from other illnesses, but these are often the exception.
A well-planned program of routine flossing and brushing in the comfort of your own home, coupled with scheduled visits with a professional dentist provide the best chances of maintaining healthy gums and a beautiful smile which will last a lifetime!